Dwarven Stout

Anita: I’m Anita, Cook and Healer for Hire.
Lulu: And I’m Lulu, Bartender and Brewmaster for A Need for Mead.
Lulu: Tonight is supposed to be a quiet night, let me get you a drink. On the house.

Anita: There is a fun dwarven stout you should try

Veronica: What makes a dwarven stout “fun”?

Lulu: It’s not beer.

Anita: Elves shouldn’t have all the fun when it comes to booze.

Lulu: You just don’t like beer.

Anita: Not everyone worships upon the alter of hops like you, Lulu.

Lulu: It’s actually dwarven wine.

Veronica: I’ve never heard of a dwarven winery.

Anita: They’re called Chaotic Neutral Winery. Dwarven Stout is their Cabernet.

Lulu: Their Pale Ale is a delicious White Zin.

Veronica: Oh! I’ll have one of those.


Panel 1

Anita is standing in front of a pink background, highlighted in white to contrast her from the background. Anita is facing forward, waving, a large smile on her face.

“I’m Anita, cook and healer for hire,” says Anita.

Panel 2

Lulu stands in front of a yellow background, smiling as she looks off to the side.

“And I’m Lulu, bartender and brewmaster of A Need for Mead.”

Panel 3

Lulu stands behind the bar, facing at Veronica who is off panel on the other side of the bar. She is smiling, as an arm is held up point off to somewhere behind her.

“Tonight is supposed to be a quiet night,” says Lulu. “Let me get you a drink. On the house.”

Panel 4

Anita, Lulu, and Veronica are standing around the bar of A Need for Mead.

“There is a fun dwarven stout you should try,” Anita suggests, smiling at Veronica.

“What makes a dwarven stout ‘fun’?” asks Veronica.

Lulu narrows her eyes at Anita, her arms crosses. “It’s not beer,” says Lulu.

Panel 5

Anita and Lulu stand on different sides of the bar at A Need for Mead. Anita stands in front of the bar, her arms crossed over her chest, rolling her eyes.

“Elves shouldn’t have all the fun when it comes to booze,” says Anita.

From behind the bar, Lulu shrugs and says “You just don’t like beer.”

Panel 6

Anita stands in front of a light blue background. She is shrugging, with her arms out to either side. One eyebrow is raised, and she seems to be rolling her eyes.

“Not everyone worships upon the alter of hops like you, Lulu,” says Anita.

Panel 7

Lulu and Veronica stand around the bar of A Need for Mead. Lulu has a hand up as if she is whispering a secret to Veronica, who looks back at her with surprise.

“It’s actually dwarven wine,” says Lulu.

“I’ve never heard of a dwarven winery,” says Veronica.

Panel 8

Anita, Lulu, and Veronica are standing around the tavern’s bar. Anita has her hands out to either side, in a “jazz hands” motion.

“They’re called Chaotic Neutral Winery,” says Anita. “Dwarven Stout is their Cabernet.”

“Their Pale Ale is a delicious White Zin,” adds Lulu.

“Oh!” explains Veronica. “I’ll have one of those!”

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