Unexpected Results

Panel 1
A blue night time sky, without a star to be seen. In the upper right hand corner, a light pink glow is emanating from something off panel.Panel 2
A starless night time sky, with a light pink glow emanating from the upper right hand corner of the panel. The figure of a male halfling [Horbin] with a surprised expression on his face is falling from the top of the panel, his arms reach above him, off panel. He has shaggy dark brown hair with brown eyes. He is wearing a dark blue cape and tunic, with blue and brown leather shoulder coverings peeking out from the cape. He has black gloves, brown trousers, and black boots that almost reach his knees.Panel 3
A starless night time sky. Horbin continues to fall, and has now fallen to the halfway point of the panel.Panel 4
A starless night time sky. Horbin is now partially obscured by the bottom of the panel. He is looking to his side towards whatever he is approaching.Panel 5
A lighthouse stands at the top of a hill behind a starless night time sky. is a stone lighthouse that looks like it is in a state of disrepair. An odd purple glow emanates from a crystal at the top of the lighthouse, which was the source of the pink glow in the previous panels. Below the floor with the crystal, is an observation balcony that circles around the entire circumference of the lighthouse. At the foot of the lighthouse stands the lighthouse keeper’s house, a smaller, off-white building with a red roof, in a similar state of neglect as the rest of the lighthouse.
On the left hand side of the balcony, a human figure with long hair, barely illuminated by the glow of the door behind them, stands staring down at a shadowed figure falling below them in the shape of the halfling. Horbin is screaming, indicated by a white handwritten font that follows his trajectory saying “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” At the center of the observation balcony, behind the figure near the door, stands another larger figure with horns that watches the scene unfold before them.
Panel 6
Horbin is lying on grass covered ground, his limbs splayed out in every direction. He’s cringing with his eyes closed. A white handwritten font to the side of his head says “Ow.” Somewhere off panel and above Horbin, someone says “Shit.”Panel 7
A woman [Veronica] stands looking over a grey stone balcony, backlit by a yellow glow emanating from beyond a stone archway. Veronica has long black hair that goes halfway down her back, with two lighter streams on either side of her face. She has dark brown eyes, and dark eyebrows, that are raised with a surprised expression. She’s wearing a brown corset over a white blouse. Part of a red skirt can be seen peeking out from behind the railing of the balcony.Veronica stands in front of an all black panel, outlined in white to help contrast her from the background. She looks straight ahead, eyes wide, a panicked expression on her face.
“I did not think that would actually work,” she says, looking down at something below her.
Panel 8
Veronica stands in front of an all black panel, outlined in white to help contrast her from the background. She looks straight ahead, eyes wide, a panicked expression on her face.
“I’m going to be in so much trouble,” she says.